At all times people needed developed abilities and various possibilities for better exchanging information with each other. This process meant that members of each society, both inside and outside it, used different special systems and tools to communicate and to transmit messages to others. Today people live in the times of technological breakthroughs; hence, they should implement their communication skills in every field of human development. Moreover, business life presupposes a wide range of special techniques and methods to make cooperation successful and profitable.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2012), communication presupposes the exchange of information between people. In addition, the common system of symbols is necessary for this purpose. It is the simplest understanding of any communicative act. Moreover, this is a complicated operation because it is within the power of not only human beings but also animals. Communication is a kind of interaction and includes different aspects. At the same time, business communication demands some additional knowledge and skills of business life and its peculiarities.
Doubtless, there is a sender and a receiver of a message. The system of business communication includes several levels and has a profound explanation in the field of linguistics. Waztlawick spoke about the importance of syntax, semantics, as well as pragmatics. The first one concerns the coding and physical transfer, including different special channels, noise, and verbosity. The second one explores the meanings of words, phrases, and sentences. The science of pragmatics deals with the behavioral side of the language and studies the conditions of linguistic interaction (Comba 2002). It is clear that any business communication has its own scene of performance. It means the context, which helps to understand distinctly whether communication is adequate or not. There should be some balance and harmony between information sent and environment ready to receive it. In addition, Waztlawick set forward some axioms that, probably, have extraordinary approaches to the problem of communication. There are six statements based on experiments and proofs. The scientist argues that it is impossible for a human being to exist without communication. The next thoughts are that people use digital and analogical ways to communicate, and that content together with relationship builds the essence of communication. Moreover, the role of punctuation for sequence is significant, the principle of symmetry and complementary abilities is evident, as well as the weightiness of the context that can change a lot (Comba 2002). These aspects find their wide application in a business environment.
Communication process combines two kinds, namely verbal communication and non-verbal communication. According to the research of Mehrabian, a person usually pays attention to “7% of message pertaining to feelings and attitudes is in the words that are spoken; 38% of message pertaining to feelings and attitudes is paralinguistic (the way that the words are said); 55% of message pertaining to feelings and attitudes is in facial expression” (Businessballs n.d.). Non-verbal part includes eye contact, posture, gestures, physiological responses, manner of movement, and touch. Moreover, it also regards the way a businessperson wears, his/her style, and adornment choices. Non-verbal factors play a great role in terms of working with clients, competitors, or colleagues, and it often helps to involve new business partners (Chron n.d.). This kind of communication occurs in business life every day. Business people usually sit side by side while cooperating when competitors are face-to-face with each other. For example, folded arms or crossed legs during a business conference say about a person’s relaxation to the presented thoughts. Direct eye contact with a speaker proves an interest in the discussed business issues. However, according to business etiquette only the company member with more responsibilities and leadership may maintain eye contact longer than subordinate workers may. It is important to remember that many tactile signals can either improve or hinder business cooperation. Confidence is showed by a firm handshake while violation of personal space is expressed in lingering touch to another person’s shoulder ( Drew n.d.).
There are some similar notions, such as interaction and interpersonal relations in a business environment. They link and summarize people’s activity and their co-operation with others and are vital factors for business communication. Mostly, in order to be successful, people need to get an understanding in communication. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish the notions of speech act and communication, which have many in common. Language is the means of communication between people while speech act is the ability to use language for interaction. Bach (1994) cited Austin and states that there are many types of speech acts besides statements. People widely represent their thoughts with the help of language in different spheres including business. At the same time, as Wittgenstein added, “Don’t ask for the meaning, ask for the use” (Bach 1994). The most valuable utterance is obvious in comparison between the meaning of concrete words or sentences and the meaning embedded by the speaker into these words or sentences. The purpose of a person is not always the same as the meaning of the represented statement. It is often wrong to think of their total equality, and sometimes it may lead to bad outcomes of many business issues. Bach (1994) said about Austin’s levels of interaction, which are “the locutionary act, the illocutionary act and the perlocutionary act”. The first one concerns the act of producing some message, and the second one deals with a person’s actions while saying the message. Simultaneously, the last one means the consequences of a said message. Strawson investigated that illocutionary acts had special communicative intention (Bach 1994). In this case, a hearer should get the reason of communication and understand the intention of the speaker. It is a big challenge for a sender to transmit information and make an input in another person’s mind correctly. Business communicative success is possible when the speaker produces the message in such a way that the receiver will accept it correctly. The circumstances of communicative act (context) are very important (Bach 1994). There are many examples of some misunderstanding in communication between the representatives of different countries and cultures. Therefore, it is of the highest priority for every aware business leader to follow the norms of international etiquette and be tolerant with others.
Business communication has close connections with self-performance. Thus, it is inseparable from organizational behavior or ethics. Such important elements of business life as corporate culture and organizational behavior are directed and established by business communication. There are many conceptions of how to run a firm, organization, or corporation with a few or thousands employees. Management plays an important, even the most efficient role to get clear objective. In broad terms, an organization is an establishment that contains many resources including workers with their knowledge and possibilities and has its concrete specialization. Different ways of interaction ensure well-structured co-operation among employees on each level and, similarly, between managers and workers. Still, behavior of each human being is different and depends on many factors: age, culture, personal views, religion, emotional state, and others.
According to Reh (2012), an adaptive culture inside the establishment is able to reform it for better and bring more than one hundred percent of success and effectiveness. It not only helps to outrun all possible competitors, but also gives many opportunities to the leadership in its field. Certainly, in order to promote the project and get positive feedback the responsible person has to manage all the details and combine employees’ attempts together. Pereverzev (2011) says about the importance of project management, which presupposes knowledge, facilities, and techniques fitting well all the requirements of the project. Quantitative, as well as qualitative, aspects have a great value, too. In case of their bad balance, the management is considered poor and brings bankruptcy or other failures.
Organizational behavior (OB), according to Robbins (2011), is a study that investigates the influence of members of an organization, structure, or individuals on the general state of behavior within this environment. The main purpose is to apply knowledge for improving the working process (Expertscolumn). It is necessary to pay attention to the co-ordination of people’s efforts, probable complexities in interpersonal communication, and the analysis of some members’ success comparing to the others. Probably, experience in business communication as well as in management is one of the main issues to get effectiveness. Consequently, manager has to take strict measures against wasting time and fruitless activities. Only well-developed corporate culture, based on a good schedule and clear rules is worth advancement. According to Schulman (2010), corporate culture plays the greatest role in the Operational Infrastructure. Furthermore, evaluation and next achievements follow highly disciplined methods. He added such important factors of corporate culture as setting high standards for workers of every department, promotion of cooperation among personnel, even though some people have joint responsibilities.
Interpersonal relationships distinguish the character of next steps of personal and organizational development. In spite of the fact that there are no identical people in the whole world, each person has the ability to communicate in a specially required way, for instance in a business environment. Evidently, business communication can create very strong interpersonal relationships because the human brain actively uses not only studied techniques good for business communication, but also emotional background, which often is disclosed by interlocutor’s body language. Exactly psychology directs the tempo of utterances, sequence, and appropriateness according to business situation. In conclusion, only well-organized methods concerning improving of business communication and corporate culture, which, at the same time, are based on psychological approaches may build successful and profitable organization.
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